Endodontics is a branch of dentistry and deals with the treatment of the soft tissues (pulp) in the internal structure of the tooth. Endodontic treatment is generally performed to maintain the vitality of the tooth. The most common endodontic treatment is to remove the inflamed or infected pulp tissue inside the tooth and clean and fill the cavity. This treatment is often called "root canal treatment."
Endodontic treatment is generally recommended for:
Caries: Deep cavities can reach the pulp area of the tooth and cause infection.
Trauma: As a result of an impact that may damage the root of the tooth, the pulp may become inflamed.
Cracked or Broken Tooth: Cracks or fractures in the structure of the tooth can reach the pulp area and increase the risk of infection.
Objects Stuck in the Tooth: In some cases, foreign objects stuck in the tooth can cause pulp infection.
Endodontic treatment usually aims to relieve symptoms such as tooth pain, swelling and tenderness. During treatment, the dentist removes the pulp tissue, cleans the canal, disinfects it, and then fills it with a biocompatible material. The treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain.
Endodontic treatment is often successful and can help preserve the tooth. However, sometimes treatment may fail and need to be repeated. Additionally, in some cases the tooth may need to be extracted.
Our Treatment Methods We Use
Vital pulp treatments
Preventive and endodontic approaches in traumatic dental injuries
root canal treatment
Renewal of root canal treatment
In-channel post application
Continuing the root development of teeth that have not completed their root development
Root canal treatments for teeth that have not completed their root development
devital whitening
Apical resection